> Featured Stories > Kotchaphak (Kaen), 13, EDF Scholarship Applicant School Year 2022, Maha Sarakham province
Kotchaphak (Kaen), 13, EDF Scholarship Applicant School Year 2022, Maha Sarakham province
Kotchaphak Chanpanya (Kaen), 12 years old
Grade 6, Maha Sarakham Province

Apply for a scholarship to study in junior high school (Grade 7-9), Academic Year 2022

Sawad-dee krab. My name is Kochaphak or you can call me Kaen. I am 12 years old and studying in grade 6 at Maha Sarakham Province. I was born in Kalasin Province. When I was in grade 4, my parents got divorced so my father took me back to his hometown in Maha Sarakham province to live with my grandparents who are very old. 
He is a rice farmer barely earning enough for his family. My father is the only breadwinner and many time his income fall short to cover all of our expenses including my grandfather and grandmother's medical needs and my education expenses.


While collecting antiquities for sell, Kotchaphak Also,
doing everything possible to help the father in lighten his burden.

My father believes education provides opportunities and wishes me to continue my education to the highest possible level. I don't know how far my father could support me since we are living from hand to mouth.
I really feel for my father’s sacrifices because he has to work very hard to support everyone. I do my best to help by taking care of my grandparents and doing all housework, including cooking, washing clothes, washing dishes, cleaning the house and collecting used plastic bottles for sale. I also do as many menial jobs as possible to earn even a bit of extra money.
I like studying the Thai and English languages very much. I like growing vegetables and raising chickens. They bring me with pleasure and they bring some extra money as well. I like playing football with friends, and it is a good form of exercise.
I really need to have a scholarship support for my education in the secondary level that will bring me closer to achieving my dream of becoming a teacher.
I know it has been said countless of time but if received a scholarship, I will spend it wisely for the maximum benefit of my education.
If opportunity arises, I would like to continue my studies until I finish my bachelor's degree.
My dream is to be a language teacher because I really enjoy learning languages. I would love to teach students to be able to read and write, to be good people. With a good job, I would be able to have enough income to support everyone in my lovely family. I believe that doing my best every day also brings the best future for me closer each day.
To all donors, thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity to support my scholarship. 

2021-12-15 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 1243

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