> Featured Stories > Phumin, 12, EDF Scholarship Applicant School Year 2022, Khon Kaen province
Phumin, 12, EDF Scholarship Applicant School Year 2022, Khon Kaen province
Phumin, 12 years old
Grade 6, Ban Sang Pan Don Na Phaeng School, Khon Kaen Province
Apply for a scholarship to study in junior high school (Grade 7-9), Academic Year 2022
Sawad-dee krab. My name is Phumin, a grade 6 student at Ban Sang Pan Don Na Phaeng School in Khon Kaen Province. My family is poor with six people including me and my elder sister. My parents are farmers and do daily paid menial jobs, while my grandparents are very old. I help with all the chores I could do around the house, such as cleaning the house, washing the dishes and cooking rice.
I like to study Math because I am happy doing calculations and solving math problems. I dream of becoming a teacher because I want to teach children to have good knowledge. Therefore, I would like to receive a scholarship to cover the expenses for my studies such as purchasing necessary school supplies and help lightening the burden on my parents.


Phumin helped in with whatever housekeeping he could,
including sweeping the floors, washing the dishes, and cooking the rice.

If possible, I intend to continue my education to the highest level in order to gain the knowledge I could use for my future career, to make a living and take care of my family. I am not sure how far I could reach the goal because I pity my parents who have to work hard to support the education of my sister and me.
I am inspired to study, and one of those inspirations came from my teacher who said I was diligent in my study, that I was a person who did not hesitate to ask teachers questions for things I did not understand, even when I was in front of the class.
He said, “He is also well-behaved, cheerful and humble. He is kind and always helps teachers at school and always participates school activities such as theatrical events or special school events. He has been a leader in a group with friends until being elected as the head of the classroom and represents the classroom in raising the national flag while singing the national anthem every morning.”
I am saying this because I am a good student. I would like to make a promise to the person who will grant me the scholarship that I will concentrate on my study, obey my parents and teachers and will make the best use of the scholarship fund to benefit my education and meet the expectations of the scholarship sponsor. 
Hope I will get help. Thank you very much.

2021-12-20 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 1242

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