> Featured Stories > Koongnang, 13, EDF Scholarship Candidate (Grade 7-9) Year 2019, Surin Province
Koongnang, 13, EDF Scholarship Candidate (Grade 7-9) Year 2019, Surin Province
Koong Nang, 13-year girl, grade7, from Surin province, dreams to become a nurse so that she will be able to take care of her blind father and unhealthy mother suffering from diabetes. 

Disregard of the disability and health problem, both father and mother still work in hardship as menial workers to earn for a living. However, the job is not available everyday, therefore, her father also goes catching fish in the pond for home cooking.
Koong Nang feels very sympathy for her parents for their hard working, she, therefore, helps do all chores at home to lessen the burden of her parents and applies for EDF scholarship to pursue her dream of being a nurse.


Koongnang is now living with her blind father and unhealthy mother suffering from diabetes

Living Condition of Koonganage and her family

There is no bedroom. It is jus space for sleeping on the floor
2019-05-23 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 2733

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