> Featured Stories > Rakchat (Rakchat), 15, Applying for a 1-year upper secondary scholarship, Academic year 2022, Buriram Province
Rakchat (Rakchat), 15, Applying for a 1-year upper secondary scholarship, Academic year 2022, Buriram Province

Rakchat (Rakchat), 15 years old, Grade 10
Dongplong Pittayakom School, Buriram Province
Applying for a 1-year upper
secondary scholarship, Academic year 2022
Hello, my name is Rakchat, studying in Grade 10 at Dongplong Pittayakom School, Buriram Province, which is a small secondary school located near my home. This helps my parents save some school expenses and traveling costs.
Rakchat and his grandmother have to take care of the three younger siblings while his parents are out for work

The house where I live is old and cramped, built of wood, with a metal roof. When it rains, water sips through the leaks on the walls. There are seven of us living together, my father, mother, grandmother and my three younger siblings. I am the eldest child. My three siblings are studying in Grade 7, Grade 4 and Grade 3 respectively. My parents face a heavy burden supporting all of us to go to school at the same time.


 On the weekends. Rakchat always looks for menial jobs to earn money and help pay school costs himself.
Mom and dad are rarely at home, because they have to go out to find work, so grandma and I have to take care of the three younger siblings. My parents work as rubber tappers. My grandmother also works odd jobs to help the family earn extra. My family is very poor and has suffered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused less workdays and a lot of financial problem.


Rakchat with his mother, grandmother and other 3 younger siblings infront of a small house they are living together.
After school, I help grandma with the housework. On Saturdays and Sundays, I look for menial jobs to earn money and help pay school costs myself, and not to bother my parents too much, maybe it could help them save some money for my three younger siblings to go to school.
I like studying Thai, English, Mathematics and Science. In my spare time, I play volleyball with my friends. I thought that when I grow up, I want to become a teacher and will be able to take care of parents and family.

2022-05-27 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 1200

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