> Featured Stories > Kornwich (Korn) Candidate for an Upper secondary/Vocational scholarship Academic year 2023
Kornwich (Korn) Candidate for an Upper secondary/Vocational scholarship Academic year 2023

Kornwich Mulalinn (Korn)
Grade 9, Weerawatyothin School,
Surin Province
Candidate for an Upper secondary/
Vocational scholarship
Academic year 2023

Hello, my name is Mr. Kornwich Mulalinn, nickname Korn. I just graduated from Grade 9 in academic year 2022 from Weerawatyothin School, Surin province.
I have applied for a scholarship support to continue my study to vocational level at Surin Technical College in the 2023 academic year.


Korn and his younger sister, who is studying in grade 2 and his grandparents
who has become the breadwinner of the family after his father suffered a stroke.
There are 5 members in my family comprising my grandfather, grandmother, father, younger sister and me. My grandparents are old so they do not have regular income. Grandfather, each month, receives government’s old-age allowance of 600 baht per month while grandmother is still to receive hers as she’s only 59 years old. Both of them work in the rice fields and the rice harvest is just only enough for own consumption. There were only a few years when my grandparents could sell rice over our consumption needs.


Korn, his sister and his grandmother, who is 59 years old.
My grandparents are in debt due to poor farming earnings for about 10 years. A farmer’s family life is hard as the harvest is just enough for our own consumption. Rice yield is uncertain and depended too much on rain. Last year we produced very little rice and our situation was made worse by the price of rice falling from 13 baht per kilogram to 5 baht per kilogram, which resulted in further losses and increased debts.
My grandfather has a congenital disease and diabetes and has to visit a doctor every 3 months. Besides farming, my grandparents repair clothes in the village to have extra income. Most of the repair work includes patching, sewing seams, changing zippers, etc.


Korn and the family rice barn, which they lost due to bad harvest seasons,
coupled with falling price of rice.
As for my father, he has suffered from ischemic stroke and is now unable to work. Therefore, the main income of the family comes from grandparents’ work, which is insufficient for family expenses, medical expenses, as well as education expenses for my sister and me. Currently, my father must get regular medical treatment. His symptoms have begun to improve somewhat, but now he has no job and no income. As for my mother, she divorced my father and went to have a new family and we had lost contact since then.


Korn is a good boy and wants to study. He knows that his grandparents
work hard to send him to school. He therefore wanted a scholarship
for vocational educational level to have professional skills to find
a job and help support his family. 
My younger sister is also studying in grade 2, which means additional burden for my grandparents to bear. My younger sister and I study hard, behaving as good kids and helping out grandparents with everything to lighten up their burden. I want to continue my study to vocational level in order to have professional skills to get a job, help support my younger sister, and take care of my father and grandparents. I applied for a scholarship with EDF Foundation to continue my education in vocational school in the 2023 academic year.

2023-04-28 | Featured Stories | เปิดอ่าน 911

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